Min Order: $20 minimum order requirement for orders inside the USA. $50 minimum order requirement for orders outside the USA.
Exporting: All customers outside the United States must fill out a interntational dealer's application before ordering. This will clarify your address, contact info, shipping preferences, etc.
Privacy: We do not sell or give out your email address to other companies. We do not spam and we do not help others spam. We reserve the right to contact you by email with questions about your order. We may occasionally (very seldom) send out emails to existing customers, but that is very rare. If you prefer to be left off that list, please note this in the comment field of your order.
Security: Our web site is connected to that of a company that specializes in helping small companies do e-commerce. Any confidential info (including credit card info) that you transmit is over their network on their shopping cart and it is secure. For details on their security check out their web site.
map: main > policies and rules